
Pereira, M.A., Vilarinho, H., D’Inverno, G., & Camanho, A.S. (2023). A regulatory robust conditional approach to measuring the efficiency of wholesale water supply and wastewater treatment services. Utilities Policy, 83, 101594. doi: 10.1016/j.jup.2023.101594

Camanho, A.S., Silva, M.C., Piran, F.S., & Lacerda, D.P. (2023). A literature review of economic efficiency assessments using Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 315, 1. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2023.07.027

Sousa, R., Camanho, A.S., Silva, M.C., Silveira, G.J.C., & Arabi, B. (2023). Best practices, performance advantage and trade-offs: new insights from frontier analysis. Journal of Productivity Analysis, x, y. doi: 10.1007/s11123-023-00714-y

Pereira, M.A. & Camanho, A.S. (2024). The ‘Healthcare Access and Quality Index’ revisited: A fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 245, 123057. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.123057

Vilarinho, H., Pereira, M.A., D’Inverno, G., Nóvoa, H., & Camanho, A.S. (2024). Water Utility Service Quality Index: A customer-centred approach for assessing the quality of service in the water sector. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 92, 101797. doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2023.101797

Pereira, M. A., D’Inverno, G., & Camanho, A. S. (2024). Learning mobility in European higher education: How has the Union’s flagship initiative progressed? Annals of Operations Research, 1-31. doi:10.1007/s10479-024-06195-y

D’Inverno, G., Santos, J. V., & Camanho, A. S. (2024). An innovative benefit‐of‐the‐doubt approach for health system effectiveness: a global case study on amenable mortality. International Transactions in Operational Research.

Pereira, M.A. & Camanho, A.S. (2023). Learning mobility in European higher education: How has the Union’s flagship initiative progressed? [Conference presentation]. NAPW2023, Miami, USA. https://iseapa.org/event/view/34

Pereira, M.A. & Camanho, A.S. (2023). Learning mobility in European higher education: How has the Union’s flagship initiative progressed? [Conference presentation]. DEA45, Surrey, UK. https://dataenvelopment.com/dea45/

D’Inverno, G., Polo, C., Sicilia, G., & Simancas, R. (2023). Educational equity in the OECD countries: a multidimensional analysis using composite indicators [Conference presentation]. International Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services, Madrid, Spain. https://eventos.uam.es/91012/detail/9th-international-workshop-on-efficiency-in-education-health-and-other-public-services

D’Inverno, G., Polo, C., Sicilia, G., & Simancas, R. (2024). Performance Trends in Educational Equity in the OECD: An International Assessment using Malmquist Indices [Conference presentation]. EWEPA XVIII – The 18th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Faro, Portugal. https://www.ewepa.org/

Osório, F., Barbosa, F., D’Inverno, G., Camanho, A. A Benefit-of-the-doubt Model For Country Performance Assessment And Target Setting Aligned With The European Union 2030 Education And Training Strategy. [Conference presentation]. EWEPA XVIII – The 18th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Faro, Portugal. https://www.ewepa.org/

Stumbriene, D, Ruiz, J. L., Sirvent, I.. Benchmarking In Education: Improving Performance Toward The Defined Goals Instead Of (Re)producing Social Categories Of Winners And Losers. [Conference presentation]. EWEPA XVIII – The 18th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Faro, Portugal. https://www.ewepa.org/

Jakaitiene, A., Ringiene, L., Stupuriene, G., Dukynaite, R., Zelvys, R.. Does Achievement Gap Correlate With Average Performance? Case Of Pirls. [Conference presentation]. EWEPA XVIII – The 18th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Faro, Portugal. https://www.ewepa.org/

Camanho, A.S., Osório, F., Barbosa, F., D’Inverno, G.. Innovative Benefit-of-the-Doubt models for performance assessment and target setting in the European Union 2030 education strategy. 10th International Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services.  https://www.som.polimi.it/eehpsworkshop/

Durães, M. J., Camanho, A. S., Barbosa, F., & D’Inverno, Giovanna (2023). A robust conditional assessment of European regions’ performance in light of the 2030 Strategic Framework for Education and Training [Conference presentation]. 16th edition of the U.Porto Youth Research Meeting, Porto, Portugal. https://www.up.pt/ijup/

Sousa, I. P., Pereira, M. A., & Camanho, A. S. (2023). Benchmarking of educational systems: Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis to assess country performance in education and training in the European Union [Conference presentation]. 16th edition of the U.Porto Youth Research Meeting, Porto, Portugal. https://www.up.pt/ijup/

Viana, T., Camanho, A. S., Barbosa, F., & D’Inverno, Giovanna (2024). Fatores determinantes do abandono e sucesso académico na U.Porto. [Conference presentation]. 3rd Pedagogical Congress FFUP, Porto, Portugal , 14-Nov-24. https://sites.google.com/g.uporto.pt/congressopedagogicoffup/

Durães, M. J. A. (2023). A robust conditional assessment of European regions’ performance in light of the 2030 Strategic Framework for Education and Training. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/152261/2/637311.pdf

  • Dissertation timeline: February 2023 – July 2023
  • Student: Maria João Durães
  • Supervisors: Flávia Barbosa, Ana Camanho and Giovanna D’Inverno

Sousa, I. B. P. (2023). Efficiency measurement of European education systems to evaluate equity and inclusion: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis approach. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/151902

  • Dissertation timeline: February 2023 – July 2023
  • Student: Inês Sousa
  • Supervisors: Miguel Pereira and Ana Camanho

Osório, F. J. M. C. C. (2024). Development of frontier methods for country performance assessment and target setting aligned with the European Union 2030 Education and Training strategy. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/159796

  • Dissertation timeline: February 2024 – July 2024
  • Student: Fernando Osório
  • Supervisors: Flávia Barbosa, Ana Camanho and Giovanna D’Inverno

Viana, T. A. P. C. (2024). Uncovering the determinants of drop-out and academic success in higher education: a study of first-year students at the University of Porto. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/160482

  • Dissertation timeline: February 2024 – July 2024
  • Student: Teresa Viana
  • Supervisors: Flávia Barbosa, Ana Camanho and Giovanna D’Inverno

Systematic literature review of Data Envelopment Analysis-based composite indicators in European education systems. IST, ULisboa

  • Project timeline: February 2023 – June 2023
  • Students: Madalena Fernandes and Maria Ribeiro
  • Supervisor: Miguel Pereira

Using decision analysis to categorise European education systems in light of the EU ET2030 strategy. IST, ULisboa

  • Project timeline: February 2023 – June 2023
  • Students: Afonso Virtuoso, Samuel Sousa, Fábio Soares, Bruno Silva and Marta Abreu
  • Supervisor: Miguel Pereira

What factors influence the achievement of ET2020 targets? A look at student success in secondary and higher education in Portugal. IST, ULisboa

  • Project timeline: February 2023 – June 2023
  • Students: João Freitas, Rimma Aleksandrova, Bernardo Ormonde, Diogo Mexia and Francisco Ezequiel
  • Supervisor: Miguel Pereira